Study Massage Therapy from our Brisbane, Gold Coast, or Sunshine Coast campuses
You can work as a Remedial Massage Therapist on luxury cruise ships and resorts anywhere in the world with our Diploma qualification
Why study the Australian HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage:
International cruise ships and resorts are seeking highly qualified therapist to meet their clients exacting demands
The AQTF Level 5 Diploma of Remedial Massage qualification is equivalent to 1st Year University level training.
This qualification is equivalent to the highest-level training in massage and manual therapies found in other leading countries like the UK or Canada.
Why study at Q Academy;
Q Academy is a nationally accredited Registered Training Organisation solely which has focussed on training Remedial Massage Therapist for 20 years
Over 90% of our students are domestic Australian students and we only have limited placements for international students to join them
Q Academy graduates over 50% of all Remedial therapist in Queensland or over 10% of all new therapists in Australia, every year, making QA the leading manual therapy college in QLD and Australia
International students can apply through an agent or direcrly and be confident they receive the same high quality training our Australian students receive.
International students can study in our Brisbane, Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast campuses in the beautiful state of Queensland, the home of the 2032 Olympics
Many local clinics employ our student therapist part time while they are still studying so they can earn $35 an hour, which is almost double the minimum wage rate in Australia
In Australia, Remedial Massage and Myotherapy treatments are generally seen as filling the need for more hands-on and advanced manual therapy treatments than what can be provided by relaxation massage therapists and before seeking physiotherapy treatments.
Remedial Therapists’ treat clients for muscle pain, musculoskeletal imbalance and movement restrictions.
It is similar to what other countries call “Medical Massage, ChiroMassage or Muscle Therapy”.
The Diploma of Remedial Massage can also be an effective pathway to nursing and other allied health professions and can be a fantastic way to support yourself by earning $40 – $80 an hour if doing further study.
For a free 30 minutes consultation from a Registered Immigration Agent with MARN 2318140

Free to relocate between our modern Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast campuses at any time during your course.
You can easily change where you want to live, study, work and have fun, at no cost.
Experience the multicultural and bustling Brisbane metropolis as well as the sun and fun of our beach city campuses while you study, so you are not locked in to just one campus or city during your course.

HLT52021 Diploma of Remedial Massage versions
- Core Skills (E-Classroom) – 50 wks or 105 wks
- Rehab (Live Classroom) – 50 wks
- Advanced Rehab (Live Classroom) – 52 wks
HLT42021 Certificate IV in Massage
- Core Skills (E-Classroom) – 42 wks
- Core Skills (E-Classroom) – 24 wks
HLT57715 Diploma Practice Management
- E-Classroom – 30 wks with RPL credits for HLT52021 graduates

E-Classroom International Schedule
- Start every month, in every campus
- Term is 7 wks (5 Study & 2 Holiday)
- Study wk is 2 days/wk oncampus + Online
- Mixed delivery in class with teacher
Live Classroom course Schedule
- 2 days/wk oncampus + online study
- 1 wk holiday every 3 months
- Adv Rehab starts every 3 months
- popular with Australian students

After completing your 1st Term you can be registered and insured to work in Professional Clinics and earn $35+ an hour.
Earn far more in the growing Health & Massage sector than in the Hospitality or Food & Delivery Industries

Graduate and you can work anywhere in the world and possibly in Australia and earn $50 – $80 an hour
Find the hundreds of massage jobs advertised on our website


RTO teaching Massage Therapy for nearly 20 years with over 3000 graduates,
Over half of all massage therapy graduates in QLD, each year, graduate from our college.
Very experienced multinational team of teachers.

To meet Q Academy’s English language proficiency requirements, international applicants must demonstrate English language ability equivalent to IELTS 6.0 (overall score)
Arranging Accommodation
The cost of accommodation in Australia varies from state to state and the cost of renting accommodation while studying can be high. Many international students choose to share accommodation to keep costs down. Most international students choose to rent a home with friends or find people to share with through websites. It is important to stay safe when searching for accommodation or people to share online.
Where to look, accommodation websites:
For information on renting in Queensland refer to the RTA website
Living expenses
Starting from 1 October 2023, a single international student requires a minimum of AU$24,505 to cover living expenses for 12 months of study. In their visa application, students are required by the Department of Home Affairs to declare they have enough money to pay for travel, tuition, and living expenses for the duration of their stay in Australia.
Application Information
Q Academy recommends that you apply as soon as possible to allow enough time to secure your student visa, flights and accommodation. As a general guide the process is as follows:
Read across our website and courses page, then make an application to Q Academy as an International Student
Complete all the enrolment documents including supplying documents to prove your English language proficiency
Wait for Q Academy to send through an acceptance letter and Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)
Apply for your student visa online via eVisa or directly through an Immigration department office
Once you have your visa, start making travel and accommodation arrangements at your chosen location.
To meet Q Academy’s English language proficiency requirements, international applicants must demonstrate one of
the following:
Students must provide certified copies of documentation that show evidence the appropriate level of IELTS or equivalent testing has been achieved or evidence of successful completion of previous qualifications as proof of English language ability. This information is kept on student files.
• IELTS 6.0 (overall score), no less than 5.0 in each band
• Pearson (PTE) Academic Score of 50 (overall score)
• Paper-based (PBT) TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 537
English test results must be no more than 2 years old. After provision of scores above, if it is identified that a students’
If english language skills are not proficient, the student may be required to undertake a further test at the students’ cost.
Q Academy encourages the attendance of all classes. Every class and the content within it is important and required for competency within study. All international students must maintain at least an 80% attendance rate for the full duration of the course, otherwise, their student visa may be subject to review and subsequently cancelled.
Q Academy maintains attendance rolls for all international students studying on a student visa are kept on record and makes them available for inspection by regulatory bodies. Any subject-specific attendance requirements are clearly stated in the Subject Outlines.
If at any time it becomes impossible for a VET student studying on an Australian student visa to achieve an attendance rate of 80% for the entire course, they will be issued an intention to report letter which sets out that Q Academy intends to report the student’s unsatisfactory attendance as required through PRISMS. This is a requirement of the National Code 2018 for VET students and a condition of the student visa for VET students.
There is no discretion for Q Academy not to report a student, even if the student has a genuine reason for all absences (such as an illness) and supporting documentation (such as a medical certificate). In these cases, however, Q Academy may choose to provide documentation in order to support the student’s continuation of study.