Different Types of Massage Courses You Can Learn

Massage courses are top choices right now as an alternative means of earning both a profession and an income. Primarily because many people are also currently turning to alternative healing methods for relaxation and to aid their body pains and illnesses. Massage has now become one of the first choices to ease stress and feel refreshed.If you are contemplating enrolling in a massage course, do consider some of the basic and most popular ones so you may see which of these youd really be interested in learning and practicing as a certified massage therapist.

Taking massage courses is the first step to becoming a certified massage therapist. Common courses are deep tissue massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, Swedish massage, and sports massage. These courses are often offered in massage schools. If you are studying to be a massage therapist, you may want to consider some of the different massage types below and take the necessary massage courses so you can be ready to give your clients a unique and relaxing experience.

Deep Tissue Massage

This therapeutic massage technique is focused on realigning painful connective joints and tissues. It addresses certain medical problems like carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, muscle spasms and the like. This type of massage is also an alternative to sports massage. It consists of slow strokes with deep pressure which may leave some patients with a feeling of discomfort at first but this disappears after a while.

Swedish Massage

This type is often offered as part of a curriculum for a massage course with certification but it may also be offered by massage schools as an individual course. This is a popular choice by students of massage therapy because this is also in demand by many customers especially those doing sports and other physically challenging activities. The Swedish massage, also known as the Classic Massage uses a lot of long sweeping strokes and stretching, kneading, and vibrating techniques. It relieves pain especially in the muscles and helps the blood circulate properly all throughout the body.

Reflexology Massage

This is another sought after subject among massage courses. Reflexology is believed to be a whole body treatment where reflexes on the hands and feet are massaged to relieve pain in other body parts or organs. Most of its strokes and techniques are focused on the hands and feet. This means that more pressure is put on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. This is non-invasive to other body parts so many people prefer to have this type of massage.

Pregnancy and Infant Massage

Pregnant women require some type of massage too. Their bodies have undergone major physical changes and this has put a lot of stress on some body parts so relaxation before giving birth is one of the things they seek. Infants, especially 6 months and older can also be given massages to make their bodies firmer and stronger and somehow, massages also strengthens their immune system. But skilled hands need to handle these types of massages as both pregnant women and infants are delicate so taking care and being certified in these massage courses is a must.

Thai Massage

This type of massage has its roots from the Land of a Thousand Smiles which is Thailand. It is said to be a type of pressure point therapy similar to reflexology, which aims to cure pains and other body aches especially migraines and even problems with the digestive system. It is widely accepted in hospitals and rehabilitation centres in Thailand so it is considered a safe type of massage to practice. You may choose to learn this in a school in your own country or go to Thailand directly and learn and be certified from the Thai experts themselves.

Stone Therapy

More popularly known as Hot Stone Massage, stone therapy is a type of Swedish massage using heated basalt stones. Sometimes cold stones are also used. The stones are used to transfer heat to the body muscles and tissues to provide relaxation and relief while the therapist still applies gliding strokes to the body.

The above mentioned courses may be taken individually or as part of a certification or diploma massage course. This may vary from school to school though. It is possible to learn all of these different types of massage, but it would also be great to have an expertise or a specific course to specialise in because this will add to your edge as a massage therapist. Look into all your options first and make sure to have enough interest in the course before enrolling so that you will have as much passion learning and eventually applying what you have learned.