Resit & Refresh Your Massage Knowledge Q Academy


There is nothing like our Free Resit & Refresh service available anywhere else (that we know of).  

We do it for our “Advance Rehab” Diploma of Remedial Massage graduates because they want to be the best in the industry and we want them to not only be the best remedial therapists but also stay the best in the industry. To achieve that, we are willing to stand behind what we teach and provide our “Advanced Rehab” graduates with the support they need to succeed in this industry.

After you graduate with our “Advance Rehab” version of the Diploma of Remedial Masage qualification, our Resit & Refresh service will allow you to*:

    • Re-sit unlimited subjects / Units of Competencies from the HLT version of the “Advanced Rehab” remedial diploma that you had previously passed/gained
    • Redo your course if you need to refresh it all
    • Refresh your Full Senior First Aid qualification for free (saving you thousands of $ 
    • Have access to a support network of experienced course coaches
    • Get help finding work through our online jobs board

    • The Resit & Refresh Service only applies to Q Academy students who have successfully completed their “Advanced Rehab” version of the Diploma of Remedial Massage with Q Academy and for the Units of Competencies (UoC’s) they have gained.

    *The Resit & Refresh Service is only available for the lifetime of the qualification and does not cover new subjects or new UoC’s that students have not previously studied and passed at Q Academy.

    *The ability to resit subjects or UoC’s through the Resit & Refresh Service does not include the right to resit any assessments or receive new statement of attainments or qualifications, it’s just to refresh your previously learned skills and knowledge.

    Save on the first aid refresher course

    As a practicing massage therapist, you must renew your First Aid every three years to remain registered with your association, insurance, and health funds. For a busy therapist, this can be a hassle and an annoying extra fee. As a Q Academy graduate, you are entitled to these refreshers for the subjects you have completed here, for free, for the rest of your career, subject to availability.

    A First Aid renewal will generally cost upwards of $100 every three years. Save this expense by enrolling with Q Academy, and take advantage of the Resit & Refresh service.

    Who is not eligible for the free Resit & Refresh?

    Students who have not graduated  with the Q Academy “Advanced Rehab” version of the Diploma of Remedial Massage are not eligible for the free Resit and Refresh guarantee, including graduates of the “Advannced Rehab” Diploma program who gained credits for Units of Competencies through Recognition of Prior Learning or Direct Credit Transfers from courses completed at other colleges. 

    The Resit & Refresh guarantee does not apply to any other qualification gained at Q Academy. other than the “Advanced Rehab” version of the Diploma of Remedial Massage”