Agent Information: Courses, Fees & Application

Study Massage With Q Academy to: "Earn more while you Learn more"

International Courses Requirements

Minimum English Level Required all courses: IELTS Level  6.0

Genuine student interest or background in health science with a desire for world class education and a qualification that is in demand with international cruise ship and resort operators.

About Q Academy

  • Q Academy has been an RTO teaching Allied Health courses for nearly 20 years, with over 3000 massage therapy graduates, many of whom are now massage business owners.
  • Q Academy graduates over 50% of all new remedial massage therapists in Queensland each year according to NCVER statistics.
  • 95% of our students are domestic Australian students so International students can study in mixed delivery classrooms  together with Australian students.
  • Modern, CRICOS approved campuses and clinics in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast.

Reasons to study with Q Academy

  • Experts in teaching massage therapy as that is our focus. 
  • Courses start every month, in our Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast campuses.
  • Enjoy the freedom to transfer, free of charge and at any time, between these 3 campuses.
  • Course fees from $209/week 
  • Massage jobs offering $40 – $80 /hour or more (after completing the first year)  advertised on our web site
  • Up to 2 year student visa study program.
  • 2 weeks holiday included in every 7 week term.
  • International students study together with our Australian students.
  • There is a large shortage of qualified massage therapists in Australia with hundreds of jobs advertised directly on our website

Agent Application Form

Business Name

Office Address

Contact Name

Business Background

Understanding Of And Complying With ESOS Requirements

Description Of Potential Markets

Bank Details

Support Documents

Please attach the following documents:


Please provide the names and contact details of at least 2 referees from the education industry referee

Referee 1

Referee 2

Referee 3

Agent Policies

1. Policy

Q Academy (QA) has a recruitment, monitoring and termination policy for Education Agents that recruit students for QA. QA takes all reasonable measures to only use Education Agents that have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Australian Education Industry and does not use education agents who are deemed dishonest or lack integrity. This policy covers the recruitment, management and termination of Education Agents and their compliance with QA’s obligations under the ESOS Framework.

2. Related Documents

  • Education Agent Application Form 
  • Education Reference Check
  • Education Agent Agreement

3. Relevant Legislation

  • National Code (2018), Standard 7
  • The Migration Act 1958

4. Policy and Procedure

Education Agent Appointments

  • QA enters into a formal written agreement that governs the appointment of Education Agents engaged to represent QA.
  • QA does not accept students from an Education Agent if it reasonably suspects that the Education Agent, their employee or sub-contractor:
    • Engaged in, or previously involved in dishonest practices, including the deliberate attempt to recruit a student, where it conflicts with National Code Standard 7.
    • Facilitated the enrolment of a student who the Education Agent believes will not comply with the student visa conditions.
    • Provided immigration advice where it is not authorised under the Migration Act.

Education Agent Recruitment Procedure

Agent Application

  1. The Education Agent contacts QA for an expression of interest to represent the QA .
  2. The Education Agent completes the Application to become an Agent and sends it to the International Operations Manager, along with:
    • Business details including
    • Business name
    • Name of the contact person
    • Postal, email, website and telephone
    • Primary countries of operation
    • Membership of Professional Associations

Assessment for suitability

  1. The International Operations Manager assesses the application based on:
    • The quality of the documentation provided by the agent
    • The applicant’s business references
  2. The International Operations Manager ensures that the education agent declares and takes all reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interest with its duties as an education agent of QA. Examples of conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
    • When the agent charges services fees to both overseas students and registered providers for the same service;
    • Where an education agent has a financial interest in a private education provider; or
    • Where an employee of an education agent has a personal relationship with an employee of the education provider.
  3. If the application from Education Agent is successful it is signed off by the International Operations Manager or CEO. The International Operations Manager provides the Education Agent with a QA Education Agent Agreement and access to all relevant QA current marketing and promotional documents etc including the :
    • QA Student Handbook,
    • the course flyers/brochures and other marketing material that may assist the agent to represent QA,
    • QA course intake dates and fees and charges.
  4. An Agent Profile is created by the International Operations Manager on the QA Agent management platform (Axcelerate) and ensures PRISMS and ASQAnet are updated.

Incomplete Assessment for suitability

If the application is incomplete, the International Operations Manager advises the Education Agent that the application will not be processed until all required information is provided. The agent is reminded of the same through email reminder, the application is not processed until all the documentation is submitted.

Where applicants are not successful, the International Operations Manager advises the applicant accordingly.

Education Agent Approval

  1. Successful applicants are provided with an Education Agent Agreement, which must be read, understood, signed and sent back to QA before the Education Agent is approved.
  2. The duties and responsibilities of QA and the Education Agent are listed in the QA Education Agent Agreement.
  3. Upon receipt of the signed Education Agent Agreement, QA sends a formal and written letter advising of the decision.
  4. Approved agents are provided with QA promotional materials and is given an induction.
  5. All approved agents are provided with a QA Agent confirmation notice.
  6. All approved agents are placed on QA Education Agent Register on the PRISMS, ASQAnet, and the QA website.
  7. ASQAnet is updated via ASQAnet no more than 30 days after the agent has been approved.
  8. All approved Education Agents have an Education Agent file that holds the Education Agent Agreement and any other relevant documentation between QA and the Education Agent. The files are stored by the International Operations Manager.
  9. The International Operations Manager ensures that all marketing, promotional and relevant QA policies and procedures are updated and that the information is passed immediately to its approved Education Agents to ensure prospective students are provided only with accurate and current information.
  10. Education Agent Agreements are approved according to the agent agreement, which is renewed dependent upon performance and student feedback.

International Education Agent Remuneration

  1. International Education Agents are remunerated by QA in form of a marketing contribution for particular services or events, or payment of commissions based on enrolments attributable to the agent.
  2. The amounts payable, and terms of payment are an agreement between the individual Agency and QA.
  3. Any other conditions are specified in the Education Agency Agreement.

Communication with International Education Agents

Management of the activities of the agent network is primarily the responsibility of the International , QA ensures there is timely and relevant communication with its International Education Agents by maintaining:

  1. Contact via emails, phone calls, and other electronic media.
  2. Copies of communications relating to updates, commission payment and individual Agency Agreements are retained by the International Operations Manager.

Promotional Material, Events, Training and Meetings

The International Operations Manager is responsible for the development of promotional materials.

  1. International Education Agents are notified of the availability of new material through communication by the International Operations Manager.
  2. International Education Agents who request materials are referred to the International Operations Manager.
  3. Where International Education Agent visits are arranged, the International Operations Manager undertakes the following activities based on the agent’s needs:
    • Training and update of the QA courses, prices and other information
    • Workshops for promotion and marketing
    • Updates about courses and changes to agreement or standards.
    • Meetings held via audiovisual connection (Skype, WhatsUP, WeChat, MS team, etc.) are documented by the International Operations Manager
  4. The International Operations Manager is responsible for such communication and takes every opportunity both in Australia and overseas, to ensure that there is regular and ongoing communication with agents.

Monitoring and Review

The International Operations Manager reviews each agent’s performance and activities annually. This review helps ensure Q Academy has a good understanding of its agents’ performance over time and that training can be targeted.

The review may include:

  • Analysis of quality and quantity of applications on behalf of prospective students
  • Analysis of conversion rates from applications lodged to actual enrolments at QA
  • Analysis of visa grants and refusals for QA
  • Adherence to QA admissions processes
  • Progress and conduct of students
  • Analysis of recorded instances where a student claims to have been misinformed by the agent about his or her studies at QA; and/or
  • The number of recorded instances where the agent has shown a lack of knowledge of student visa requirements or other matters relating to a student’s stay in Australia.

Where monitoring processes indicate a deficiency or non-compliance with legislation or the National Code, training and/or the provision of additional information in relation to the expectations of QA will be provided specific during visits to an Education Agent’s office or online.

Agents found to be in breach of the Education Agreement and or the Standards, or where complaints have been received by a student, are contacted by the International Operations Manager. The International Operations Manager may terminate an agent’s agreement if deemed necessary.

Where any practices by an Education Agent are identified as being negligent, careless, incompetent or being engaged in false, misleading or unethical advertising and recruitment practices, or engaged in practices that could harm the integrity of the QA or Australian education and training, the International Operations Manager takes immediate corrective and preventative action.

Education Agent Termination

Where QA becomes aware of, or reasonably suspects that an Education Agent, their employee or sub-contractor has breached QA Education Agent Agreement, the ESOS Act 2000, or the National Code 2018, QA terminates the agreement. This includes, but is not limited to the Education Agent, their employee or subcontractor:

  • Being engaged in, or being previously engaged in dishonest practices, including the deliberate attempt to recruit a student where clearly conflicts with the obligations of the registered provider under the National Code 2018.
  • Facilitating the enrolment of a student who the education agent believes will not comply with the conditions of his or her student visa.
  • Providing immigration advice where not authorised under the Migration Act 1958 to do so.

The International Operations Manager may terminate and Education Agreement at any time or may decide not to renew the agreement. Reasons for both must be recorded in the Agent Profile.

Terminated agreements or agreements that are not renewed are marked as inactive in the QA system, ASQAnet and PRISMS, and will be updated on ASQAnet accordingly.

Education Agents may appeal any decision made by QA, in line with QA Complaints and Appeals Policy.

Link to Agent List

Education agents are an important part of the international education sector in Australia. QA ensures that our education agents act ethically, honestly and in the best interest of overseas students and uphold the reputation of Australia’s international education sector.

Find a reputable Education Agent from our list of Registered Education Agents or suggest a new Agent to us.

Link to Useful Agent Information

The Australian Department of Education and Training has a list of certified bodies offering further information on where to promote agent services, how to register with accredited online portals, and links to regularly updated government information pertaining to international students. Please see important links for education agents, below.

1.      HTTP://EATC.COM

The Education Agent Training Course (EATC) is a free, online, industry-recommended course that provides education agents with information about the Australian education system and Australia as a study destination. The course material is also a resource to help agents remain aware of changes and developments in international education.


ISANA: International Education Association is the representative body for international education professionals in Australia and New Zealand who work in student services, advocacy, teaching, and policy development throughout Australia and New Zealand.

The website offers a free-of-charge online tutorial recommended for all Education Agent staff members to become knowledgeable in Australian international education standards under the revised National Code.


The Australian Government‘s National Code for Education Providers Standard 4 outlines commitments and obligations of Australian Registered Training Organisations working with Education Agents.


The Australian Government’s Department of Education maintains up to date information of Registered Training Organisations that deliver courses to international students and are listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).


The Australian Government Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) provides information on visa options, living in Australia and citizenship.


Study in Australia is the official Australian Government site for studying in Australia and provides information for students and Education Agents on study pathways, costs, living in Australia, scholarships, visa and other services.