
Traditional Flame Cupping | On-Campus Short Course

Traditional Flame Cupping Short Courses Queensland

Why Learn Flame Cupping?

Wondering how to learn cupping? This training focuses on teaching people how to safely use cupping to treat musculoskeletal conditions. During the day you will learn the art of safely using a flame and glass cups, as this is a really interesting way of applying cupping.  You will also learn how to correctly use the more conventional plastic cups. Then you will get the practice using both to apply a full body treatment.

  • History of cupping and different types of cups
  • Indications and contraindications for treatment
  • Cautions and avoidance areas
  • Fire safety and application of cupping using flame induction method
  • Application of cupping using plastic cups
  • Cupping techniques, stationary, sliding, specific point release and heated cups
  • How to use cupping for remedial treatment
  • How to treat a range of common issues with cupping
  • Sterilisations guidelines and caring for equipment
  • Although there is some essential theory covered, most of the day is spent “on the table” learning how to apply cupping as treatment.

The CPE/CPD awarded can differ between associations, please contact your association for specific details. Points can be awarded for hours of training or for days of training.

Traditional Flame Cupping | On-Campus Short Course

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