
Functional Movement | On-Campus Short Course

On-Campus Short Course

Functional Movement

Part of the new delivery of the 22316VIC Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy

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Functional Movement | On-Campus Short Course

Non-Accredited Course Accredited Course*
6-days face-to-face - 1 day a week
(48h classroom-based training and assessment)
  • 6 days face-to-face - 1 day a week (48h classroom-based training and assessment)
  • 6 days (equivalent) online delivery and assessments - 1 day a week (48h online directed study classes)
  • 3 days supervised clinic - 1 day a week after the classroom days (24h supervised practice)
  • 20 hours of online tasks and assessments
Price $825 $1,250
  • Statement of Attendance for 48h of training
  • Statement with full description of content and method of delivery
  • 50% discount on the Myotherapy Accredited Unit of Competency (Through RPL process)
  • Statement of Attainment for the National Accredited Unit of Competency: VU2363 Perform Myotherapy Clinical Assessment
  • Statement with full description of content and method of delivery
Content Practical Skills:
  • Functional patterns movement assessment
  • joint play assessment
  • neurodynamic assessment
  • orthopaedic assessment
  • gait assessment
  • neurological assessment (dermatome, myotome, and reflex)
Practical Skills:
  • Functional patterns movement assessment
  • joint play assessment
  • neurodynamic assessment
  • orthopaedic assessment
  • gait assessment
  • neurological assessment (dermatome, myotome, and reflex)

Theory Components:
  • Pathology,
  • Biomechanics,
  • Arthrokinematics,
  • Neurology,
  • Pharmacology,
  • Physiology Nutrition

* Accredited courses are nationally recognised training and assessment leading to the issuance of AQF certification document